Period Protection

  Never have there been more tampon or pad choices for women. This is true of feminine protection too for tampons or pads-- just look at the aisle and you ask yourself the question "tampons or pads?"  With such a broad range of choices, you can easily find a product or combination of products to meet your needs.


Because pads are easy to use, most girls use them when they first start their periods. Pads are the right choice for girls who want external protection. There are lots of features that may influence what kind of tampons or pads is right for you. Some girls like the ultra options that are available, while others prefer the feeling of a thicker pad. Always has pads with Flexi-Wings that help protect the sides of your underwear or pads without wings. Girls with smaller bodies might choose a slender pad. And heavy sleepers might like overnight pads for extra security.


Many girls like the discretion and convenience of tampons, which are also easy to use. They choose tampons because they don’t show through clothes and you can do things like swimming while wearing them. Tampax Tampons also have features for personal protection. For women with heavy flow there are extra absorbency tampons or pads. For smaller girls there are slender options.

Some girls are scared to try tampons. If you’re ready to try tampons, relax. If the first try doesn’t work you’ll have plenty of time to get used to them.


Many girls use Always Pantiliners throughout the month. They like the freshness of daily protection. Other girls find that they’re the right back-up for a tampon or for light flow days.

Selecting a feminine protection product is a personal decision. It may take some trial runs to figure out what products suit you best.